
Hi! My name is Jonathan, running yoyoshopsg behind the scenes.

You may know me from my yoyo review days on YouTube or perhaps have bought yoyos from me on Carousell @jo3no.

YoyoShopSG began in 2022 (formerly Jono's YoYo Shop), with the aim of holding a small amount of stock for friends and family around me. This is due to the expensive and long shipping time from all the good yoyo stores overseas. I wanted to make sure those interested in yoyo around me would be able to get quick access to yoyos.

As time went by, Carousell took off and I wasn't able to keep up with all the orders. I truly thank all of you for your support however I had to move to a website to make time for my family.


About me:

When I was 11, a yoyo demonstrator came to my school to perform and sell yoyos - I bought a ball bearing looper and learnt all the basics such as walk the dog, round the world and rock the baby. It wasn't until 12 years later that I discovered unresponsive yoyo after watching Brandon Vu on YouTube. I've always yoyoed for fun; those who know me would see me everywhere with a yoyo and taking yoyo/food photos.

Now I am a full time engineer and dad; and also running this shop by myself, please bear with me if there are any delays 🙏

Thank you all for your support

- Jono